A 40 per cent increase in year-on-year Green Star certifications confirms that sustainability is here to stay says Romily Madew, CEO of the Green Building Council of Australia. Ms Madew has prepared the following snapshot of high achievers.
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) certified 216 Green Star projects in 2015, compared with 156 in.
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Category Archives: Green buildings
3 October 2014: Standards Australia has published three new Australian energy audit standards. The Australian Standards replace AS/NZS 3598:2000, Energy audits, and assist organisations to decide on the appropriate type of audit for their activities.
Energy audits are an integral part of the energy management process. They determine how efficiently energy is being consumed, identify energy.
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25 September 2014: A new report from the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) finds overwhelmingly that there is evidence linking green office design with staff health, wellbeing and productivity. Significant impacts include reduced absenteeism.
Launched as part of the Green Building Council of Australia’s (GBCA’s) World Green.
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The Australian Government Department of Industry has appointed ACIL Allen Consulting to undertake an independent review of the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program.
The purpose of the review is to assess the CBD Program’s objectives, the effectiveness of the program in promoting energy efficiency and its interaction.
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By Lawrence Yu, JHA Consulting Engineers
4 September 2014: With round one of the Building Resilience to Climate Change program currently open in New South Wales, it is the perfect time for local government to prepare for future extreme heat waves by investigating possible upgrades for their.
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Romily Madew[/caption]
4 September 2014: The Australia and New Zealand real estate market is the world’s greenest, according to the latest Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB).
The report, which analysed data from 637 listed property companies and private equity real.
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June 2014: Swinburne’s innovative new Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre (AMDC) is open for use and allowing students to collaboratively work and learn in an environmentally friendly space.
With floors one to six, including classrooms, laboratories and café-style lounge recently opening, Swinburne’s second 5-star Green Star building,.
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By Wendy Miller, Queensland University of Technology
During Queensland’s preparations for Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman advised residents who lived in older houses (those built before 1985) to evacuate their homes as they were not likely to stand up to the storm’s destructive winds.
In the event, the damage was largely.
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