Category Archives: News

ABC - Transcript (program 4 March 2013) LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: It's one of the most hotly disputed questions in the debate over climate change. Can extreme weather events like bushfires and floods be blamed on global warming? Scientists have always been cautious about linking any one event to climate change, but now Australia's Climate Commission has joined.
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hvac24 January 2013: AIRAH has released its discussion paper, Transition to low-emission HVAC&R : Issues and solutions, for public and industry review (later finalised in March 2013). The paper is available at the “Resources” section of the AIRAH website,, with comments due by 5pm, Friday.
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A new collaborative network of health organisations has agreed to joint action to raise awareness of the adverse health effects of Australia’s current minerals and energy policy at a meeting in Canberra this week. Hosted by five national health organisations, the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA), National Rural Health Alliance.
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